It’s spent over 3 years since the first shop of “Shake Shack ” from NewYork opened in Gaienmae, Tokyo. “Shake Shack” in Japan has achieved steadily popularity among a wide range of generations and grown up by increase the locations. Now, there are 13 locations in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kyoto.

In contrast to the first opening day’s success that huge line was formed in front of the shop, it may be because it was late lunchtime on Sunday, people were sparse. There were rather a lot of families accompanied by children.

What is Shake Shack?

For those who don’t know what Shake Shack is, I would explain the outline of the shop. Shake Shack is a burger shop chain originated from NewYork that has 70 locations in 9 countries in the world.

Juicy patty, the essence of burger, made of highly selected Angus beef is one of the best taste in the American burger chains. Ingredients other than beef is also highly selected, needless to say.

The location I visited this time is in the corner of “Shonan Terrance Mall” located right in front of North entrance of Tujido station, which is between Chigasaki and Fujisawa.

Food prices are not really reasonable, to say the least of it. If you see simply the price, you probably feel it is rather a casual restaurant or something than a first food chain.

So, if you are going to visit there for the first time, you don’t want to make the wrong choice of what you’re going to eat. You should win the best burger for the first day. However, there are many selections that confuse you to choose out of hotdog, sweats, burgers, French fries and etc…

So, I, who is an almost regular customer, suggest what I strongly recommend you to eat in Shake Shack Japan.

Here is all I got this day.

Dog Beef
Cheese Fries (Regular)
Frozen custerd (chocolate)
Coca-Cola (regular)

Dare to choose a burger without beef patty

The essence of a burger is unmistakable “beef patty”, that nobody denies. But people are so attracted to “beef” that they forgot the existence of a foil of Shake Shack burger. From a wide variety of options, “Shack Stuck” seems to be the most popular menu among connoisseurs. This burger has 5 layers that consist of beef patty, cheese, shroom which is original ingredients and vegetables.

Leading ingredients must be a beef patty, but shroom is the most important foil that has the power to influence its total perfection. Beef patty? that’s heresy. “Shroorm” is the leading ingredients of Shake Shack Burger.

Shroom is fried stuff sandwiching cheese between pressed mushrooms. Look at that, with even one bite, melted cheese between mushrooms were about to come out. Ah, lovely juicy cheese…

This melted cheese is mixed with flavor of mushroom juice inside. Amazingly, great cheese sauce is naturally made inside.

Hot dog

Are you serious to put ketchup sauce on top it? You must taste it itself and enjoy the simple flavor coming from individual ingredients.Penty of butter spread on the bread brings out the flavor of beef sausage.

Look at this bite section, beef juice comes out. Putting ketchup on it is heresy.The taste of beef is masked by the strong flavor of ketchup…

French Fries

Cheese sauce on top of it is quite thick but it is really mild and creamy.

Frozen custerd

You know Japanese people don’t like a strong taste between extremes of sweetness and saltiness but prefer to enjoy subtle ingredient’s flavor. Probably, Shake Shak put its effort to adjust its taste to Japanese people’s favorite before entering the Japanese food market.

Getting straight to the point about the taste and flavor of frozen custard, it is not as really sweat as probably the one sold in NY. I really like this flavor but you may probably feel short on the sweetness.

The texture is as soft as gelato. It is soon melted in a moment I put it on my tough.

You just give it try to go if you miss NY burger in Japan.

Shop information

Shop name
Shacke Shack
Shonan village, Terrace Mall Shona 1-3-1, Kandai, Tsujido, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-klen
10:00 a.m ~ 9:00 p.m

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