What is a notification card (= Tuchi card ,”通知カード”) ?

A notification card (= Tuchi card ,”通知カード”) is ,as the name suggests, a card distributed to individuals to notify that the number is issued. This is a provisional card required for issuance procedure of MY NUMBER card. A notification card has been sent to all the nations and foreign residents so far when a municipal office was ready to issue their MY NUMBER cards

A notification card (= Tuchi card ,”通知カード”) was abolished last year

Because of law amendment, a notification card (= Tuchi card ,”通知カード”) was abolished in May, 2020. Please be reminded that the following procedures are no longer available now.

Things no longer available with a notification card (= Tuchi card ,”通知カード”) after notification card abolishment

Procedure for content change of your card

Changing the address and your name from the matters to be mentioned on your card is no longer available

Re-issuance of a notification card

Applying for re-issuance of a notification card when you lost it is no longer available.

How to confirm MY NUMBER after notification card abolishment ( if you don’t have both a MY NUMBER card and a notification card )

Confirm with a copy of the following certificates on which mentions your MY NUMBER

English Japanese
Resident certificate Juminhyou, “住民票”
Certificate items stated in resident register Juminyoukisaijikoshoumeisho, “住民票記載事項証明書”

Please visit the nearest municipal office and request these certificates at the section that takes charge of MY NUMBER . It will cost you 300 yen per certificate.

How to apply for MY NUMBER card

For those who’ve never had MY NUMBER issued yet by a municipality, issuance application forms and guidelines with a QR code has been distributed sequentially from the Japan Agency for Local Authority Information Systems (J-LIS) to their places.

If you apply for MY NUMBER card for the first time, please be sure to go through the necessary procedure with this issuance application forms and guidelines by means of your smart phone, laptop, or by mail

How to be notified MY NUMBER for those who have it issued for the first time

How to be notified

An individual number notification certificate (= Kojinbango Tsuchisho, “個人番号通知書”) will be sent to your place by mail. An individual number notification certificate has descriptions of

  • Your name
  • Your birth-date
  • Issuance date of this certificate

Things to be noted

An individual number notification certificate (= Kojinbango Tsuchisho, “個人番号通知書”) is the one to notify the issuance of MY NUMBER, which never allows you to use it as a certificate to prove your MY NUMBER.

If you’re required to present your MY NUMBER, you need a copy of your resident certificate or certificate items stated in resident register on which your MY NUMBER mentions.

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