- If you are a working holiday maker looking for a job in Japan after you arrive in Japan or
- If you are a student looking for a full time job in Japanese company to work in Japan
A working hostel (shared house) which takes care of your job in Makuhari (Chiba Pref) in Japan opened on November last year.
This shared house aimed for supporting foreigners residents to find jobs kindly and consulting about how you can build your career from your previous working background in your country.
Kizunabito(絆人) Ltd.; Inc which produce community-oriented shared house concept started a interesting attempts that support foreigners’ residents to find work at a shared house named “GlobalHUB Makuhari (幕張)” run by the company on November in 2017.
This is the very first working hostel that helps working holiday maker’ and students who want to work in Japan to find jobs.
source from “Kizunabito(絆人) Ltd.; Inc starts employment support called “JOB HUB” for residents of “GlobalHUB Makuhari”
The basic concept is your second family in Japan
Global Hub shared house is a community-oriented shared house that welcome residents as warmly as if you are a member of second family in Japan. It places more importance on what types of people to live with than where to live.
it focuses very much on forming warm family culture that everyone can accept various sense of values each other warmly as you are welcomed with warm words of “Welcome back home”, “Good luck”, “Arigatou”
Aiming for interactive international communication hub
The company aims for creating a shared house for a hub connecting Japan to the world. A shared house management company “Kizunabito” creates values interactively between foreigners and Japanese by providing opportunities to find jobs for foreigners and to study abroad “domestically”.
Global Hub wants to become a hub shared house for international business persons in Japan
The company showed its strong vision that they would promote a shared house business to become a hub of providing international business communication opportunity for every single business persons who come to Japan for business in the future.
So the service of providing employment support for students and working holiday makers is footing for this outlook.
The background of establishment of working shared house
In the present circumstances of employment market in Japan, it is very difficult for foreigners to find jobs in Japan. There are many cases where foreigners coming to Japan to look for jobs give up doing and going back to their country after the expiry date although some of them have a potential and ability to take active part in a specific field.
This service started with background that support those foreigners to get working visa. The company thought that it could create the best environment if it would support both job side and living side.