When you go to see a doctor in Japan, there are some doctors who have no English speaking ability even though they had a high education background. Especially, a medical practitioner of a private small clinic located in the street corner may probably not speak English.

If you remain willpower to go all the way to a big hospital, where there are some doctors being able to understand what you say in English, you should do that. However, people always want to go to see a doctor near their houses if they feel too dizzy to walk because of a fever or something.

However, the language barrier always disturbs your treatment. Even when you suffer from illness and want to get treatment as soon as possible, you take the trouble to translate what you want to say to a doctor from Japanese into Engish to point out where you want to get treatment.

It seems like foreign people who can imagine the above situation tend to hesitate to go to see a doctor and try to endure their bad condition and illness somehow. So, to be able to go to see a doctor without any worries, I introduce some easy expressions which you can show your symptoms accurately in Japanese.

13 expressions of “Pain”

Type of pain Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Throbbing pain Zukizuki “ズキズキ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • ZukiZuki Itamimasu “ズキズキ痛みます”
  • (I have a throbbing pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Stabbing Pain Tsukisasareru youna itami “突き刺されるような痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Tsukisasareru youna itami ga arimasu “突き刺されるような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a stabbing pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Squeezing Pain Shimetsukerareru youna itami “締め付けられるような痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Shimetsukerareru youna itami ga arimasu “締め付けられるような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a squeezing pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Burning Pain Yaketsuku youna itami “焼け付くような痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Yaketsuku youna itami ga arimasu “焼け付くような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a burning pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Heavy Pain Omokursushii itami “重苦しい痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Omokurushii itami ga arimasu “重苦しい痛みがあります”
  • (I have a heavy pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Racking pain Wareru youna itami “割れるような痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Tsukisasareru youna itami ga arimasu “割れるような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a racking pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Racking pain Wareru youna itami “割れるような痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Wareru youna itami ga arimasu “割れるような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a racking pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Pain that makes me feel sick Kibunga warukunaru youna itami “気分が悪くなるような痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kibunga waruku naruyouna youna itami ga arimasu “気分が悪くなるような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a pain that makes me feel sick)
pronounciation (google translate)
Unbearable pain Taegatai itami “耐え難い痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Taegatai itami ga arimasu “耐え難い痛みがあります”
  • (I have a unbearable pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Sharp pain Surudoi itami “鋭い痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Surudoi itami ga arimasu “鋭い痛みがあります”
  • (I have a sharp pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Biting pain Kuikomu youna itami “食い込む痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kuikomu youna itami ga arimasu “食い込むような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a biting pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Aching pain Uzuku youna itami “疼く痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Uzuku youna itami ga arimasu “疼くような痛みがあります”
  • (I have a aching pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Feel paiful when you touch Sawaruto itami “触ると痛い” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Sawaruto itaidesu “触ると痛いです”
  • (I have a aching pain)
pronounciation (google translate)

11 expressions of head symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Headache Zutsuu “頭痛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Zutsuuga arimasu “頭痛があります”
  • (I have a throbbing pain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Hangover Futsukayoi “二日酔い” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Watashi wa Futsukayoi desu “私は二日酔いです”
  • (I have a hangover)
pronounciation (google translate)
Dizzy (strong) Memai “目眩” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Memaiga shimasu “めまいがします”
  • (I feel so dizzy)
pronounciation (google translate)
Dizzy (when you feel very hot or have fever) Noboseru “のぼせる” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Nobosetakanji ga shimasu “のぼせた感じがします”
  • (I feel so dizzy)
pronounciation (google translate)
Epilepsy Tenkan”癲癇” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Tenakn no hossaga arimasu “癲癇の発作があります”
  • (I have epilepsy)
pronounciation (google translate)
Convulsive Hikitsuke “ひきつけ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hikitsuke no hossa wo okosukotoga arimasu “ひきつけの発作を起こすことがあります”
  • (I have a convulsive fit)
pronounciation (google translate)
Consciousness disorder Ishikishougai “意識障害” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Ishikishougai wo okosukotoga arimasu “意識障害を起こすことがあります”
  • (I have consciousness disorder)
pronounciation (google translate)
Forgetful Monowasure “物忘れ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Saikin, monowasurega hageshiidesu “物忘れが激しいです”
  • (I have been horribly forgetful recently)
pronounciation (google translate)
Forgetful Monowasure “物忘れ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Saikin, monowasurega hageshiidesu “物忘れが激しいです”
  • (I have been horribly forgetful recently)
pronounciation (google translate)
My head is itchy Atamaga kayui “頭が痒い” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Atamaga kayui desu “頭が痒いです”
  • (My head is so itchy)
pronounciation (google translate)
Hair loss Nukege “抜け毛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Nukege de nayandeimasu “抜け毛で悩んでいます”
  • (I have been worried about losing my hair)
pronounciation (google translate)

18 expressions of eye symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Eyestrain Tsukareme “疲れ目” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Gansei hirou ga arimasu “眼精疲労があります”
  • (I have eyestrain)
pronounciation (google translate)
Eyestrain Tsukareme “疲れ目” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Gansei hirou ga arimasu “眼精疲労があります”
  • (I have eyestrain)
pronounciation (google translate)
blurred vision Menokasumi “目の霞” pronounciation (google translate)
  • kasunde miemasu “霞んで見えます”
  • (My vision is blurred)
pronounciation (google translate)
itchy eye Menokasumi “目のかゆみ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Megakayuidesu”目が痒いです”
  • (My eyes are itchy)
pronounciation (google translate)
discomfort in my eyes Meniiwakan “目に違和感” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Meni iwakan wo kanjimasu”目に違和感を感じます”
  • (I feel discomfort in my eyes)
pronounciation (google translate)
dry eyes Menokansou “目の乾燥” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Me ga kansou shiteimasu “目が乾燥しています”
  • (My eyes are dry)
pronounciation (google translate)
bloodshot eyes Menojuketsu “目の充血” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Me ga juketsu shiteimasu “目が充血しています”
  • (I have bloodshot eyes)
pronounciation (google translate)
watery eyes Namidame “涙目” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Me ga namidame ni narimasu “目が涙目になります”
  • (I have watery eyes)
pronounciation (google translate)
Eye mucus Meyani “目やに” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Meyani ga dete me ga hirakanai “目ヤニが出て目が開かない”
  • (I can’t open my eyes because of eye mucus)
pronounciation (google translate)
floater Hibunshou “飛蚊症” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Watashi no me ni hibunshou no shoujou ga deteimasu”私の目に飛蚊症の症状が出ています”
  • (My eyes have symptoms of floater)
pronounciation (google translate)
distorted vision Shiyaga yugamu “視野が歪む” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Shiyaga yugandeimasu “視野が歪んでいます”
  • (My eyes have distorted vision)
pronounciation (google translate)
Short-sighted Kinshi “近視” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Watashino me wa kinshi desu “私の目は近視です”
  • (I have short-sighted eyes)
pronounciation (google translate)
Far-sighted Enshi “遠視” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Watashino me wa enshi desu “私の目は遠視です”
  • (I have short-sighted eyes)
pronounciation (google translate)
Astigmatism Ranshi “乱視” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Watashino me wa ranshi desu “私の目は乱視です”
  • (I have astigmatism eyes)
pronounciation (google translate)
Presbyopia Rougan “老眼” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Watashino me wa rugan desu “私の目は老眼です”
  • (My eyes are presbyopia)
pronounciation (google translate)
Hay fever Kafunshou “花粉症” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Watashi wa kafunshou desu “私は花粉症です”
  • (I have hay fever
pronounciation (google translate)
Hay fever Kafunshou “花粉症” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kafun-shou de mega kayuidesu “花粉症で目が痒いです”
  • (My eyes are so itchy because of hay fever)
pronounciation (google translate)
Hay fever Kafunshou “花粉症” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kafun-shou de mega kayuidesu “花粉症で目が痒いです”
  • (My eyes are so itchy because of hay fever)
pronounciation (google translate)

17 expressions of the symptoms of mouth and throat and nose

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Stomatitis Kounaien “口内炎” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kounaien de kuchino naka ga itai “口内炎で口の中が痛い”
  • (The inside of my mouth feels sore because of stomatitis )
pronounciation (google translate)
Herpes Herupesu “ヘルペス” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kuchibiru no mawarini Herupesu ga dekita “唇の周りにヘルペスができた”
  • (I have herpes around my lips )
pronounciation (google translate)
sour tongue Herupesu “舌が痛い” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Shita ga itaidesu “舌が痛いです”
  • (I have herpes around my lips )
pronounciation (google translate)
cavity Mushiba “虫歯” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Mushiba ga arumitaidesu “虫歯があるみたいです”
  • (I seem to have cavities )
pronounciation (google translate)
Periodontal disease Shishubyou “歯周病” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Shishu byou ga arimasu “歯周病があります。”
  • (I have periodontal disease)
pronounciation (google translate)
Dry mouth Dorai mausu “ドライマウス” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kuchi ga dorai mausudesu “口がドライマウスです。”
  • (I have a dry mouth)
pronounciation (google translate)
Bad breath Koushu “口臭” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Koushuu ga tuyoidesu “口臭が強いです。”
  • (I have strong bad breath)
pronounciation (google translate)
Dysgeusia Mikakushougai “味覚障害” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Mikaku shougai gaarimasu”味覚障害があります”
  • (My tougnue is dysgeusia)
pronounciation (google translate)
Sore throat Nodonoitami “喉の痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Nodono itamiga arimasu “喉の痛みがあります”
  • (My throat is sore)
pronounciation (google translate)
Feeling of getting something stuck in my throat Nodonotsukaekan “喉のつかえ感” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Nodono tsukaekan gaarimasu “喉のつかえ感があります”
  • (I have feeling of getting something stuck in my throat.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Feeling of getting something stuck in my throat Nodonotsukaekan “喉のつかえ感” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Nodono tsukaekan gaarimasu “喉のつかえ感があります”
  • (I have feeling of getting something stuck in my throat.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Cough Seki “咳” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Sekiga tomarimasen “咳が止まりません”
  • (I have bad cough.)
pronounciation (google translate)
sputum Tan “たん” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Tanga demasu “たんが出ます”
  • (I cough up sputum.)
pronounciation (google translate)
hoarse Koegakasureru “声がかすれる” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Koega kasuremasu “声がかすれます”
  • (My voice is hoarse.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Runny nose Hanamizu “鼻水” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hanamizu ga demasu “鼻水が出ます”
  • (I have runny nose.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Nosebleed Hanamizu “鼻血” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hanaji ga yoku demasu “鼻血がよく出ます”
  • (My nose bleeds often.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Snore Hanamizu “いびき” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Ibiki ga urusaidesu “いびきがうるさいです”
  • (I snore very lound.)
pronounciation (google translate)

4 expressions of ears symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Sore ear Miminoitami “耳の痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • mimino naka ga itai “耳の中が痛い”
  • (The inside of my ears are really sore )
pronounciation (google translate)
Tinnitus Miiminari “耳鳴り” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Miminari ga suru “耳鳴りがする”
  • (I have tinnitus)
pronounciation (google translate)
Hearing loss Kikoenikui “聴こえにくい” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Mimi ga kikoenikui “耳が聴こえにくい”
  • (I lose my hearing)
pronounciation (google translate)
Running ears Mimidare “耳だれ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Mimikara mimidare ga demasu “耳から耳垂れが出ます”
  • (I have running ears)
pronounciation (google translate)

9 expressions of skin symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Rough skin Miminoitami “肌荒れ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hadaga arete imasu “肌が荒れています”
  • (I have rough skin)
pronounciation (google translate)
Pimple, zit, acne Nikibi “ニキビ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kaoni nikibiga arimasu “顔にニキビがあります”
  • (I have pimples on my face)
pronounciation (google translate)
Stain, freckle, sunburn shimi, sobakasu, hiyake “シミ、ソバカス、日焼け” pronounciation (google translate)
  • “顔にそばかすがあります”
  • (I have freckles on my face)
pronounciation (google translate)
itchy Kayui “痒い” pronounciation (google translate)
  • “顔が痒いです”
  • (My face is really itchy)
pronounciation (google translate)
Blush Hoteru “ほてる” pronounciation (google translate)
  • kaoga hoteru”顔がほてる”
  • (My face blushes)
pronounciation (google translate)
Sore chin Hoteru “顎の痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Ago ga itai”顎が痛い”
  • (My chin is sore)
pronounciation (google translate)
Distorted face Hoteru “顔の歪み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kaoga yuganderu “顔が歪んでる”
  • (My face is distorted)
pronounciation (google translate)
Convulsions Keiren “痙攣” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kao ga keiren suru “顔が痙攣する”
  • (My face goes into convulsions)
pronounciation (google translate)
Paralysis Mahi “麻痺” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kao ga mahi suru “顔が麻痺する”
  • (My face is paralyzed)
pronounciation (google translate)

3 expressions of neck symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Stiff neck, neck strain Kubinokori “首のこり” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kubino kori ga hidoi “首のコリがひどい”
  • (I have terrible stiff neck)
pronounciation (google translate)
Muscle pain Kinnikutsuu “筋肉痛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kataga kinnnikutsuu desu “肩が筋肉痛です”
  • (I have muscle pain in my shoulders)
pronounciation (google translate)
Frozen shoulder Goju kata “五十肩” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kataga kinnnikutsuu desu “肩が五十肩です”
  • (I have frozen shoulders)
pronounciation (google translate)
Arthralgia Kansetsutsuu “関節痛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Kataga kinnnikutsuu desu “肩が関節痛です”
  • (I arthralgia in my shoulders)
pronounciation (google translate)
Joint dislocation Dakkyu “脱臼” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Migikata ga dakkyuu shimashita “右肩が脱臼しました”
  • (My right shoulder was dislocated)
pronounciation (google translate)

8 expressions of hand symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
wrench Nenza “捻挫” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Migi tekubi wo nenza shimashita “右手くびを捻挫しました”
  • (I wrenched my right wrist)
pronounciation (google translate)
chapped akagire “あかぎれ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Nakayubiga akagire desu “右中指があかぎれです”
  • (My both middle fingertips is chapped)
pronounciation (google translate)
chilblains shimoyake “しもやけ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hidarite ga shimoyakedesu “左手がしもやけです”
  • (My left hand has chillblains)
pronounciation (google translate)
cold sensitivity Hieshou “冷え性” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Te ga hieshou desu “手が冷え性です”
  • (My hands are really sensitive to cold)
pronounciation (google translate)
get burnt Yakedo “火傷” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hidarite wo yakedo shimashita “左手を火傷しました”
  • (I got burnt on my left hand)
pronounciation (google translate)
Swelling Mukumi “むくみ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Migite ga mukundeimasu “右手がむくんでいます”
  • (My right hand swells)
pronounciation (google translate)
get stiff Kowabaru “こわばる” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Migite ga kowabarimasu “右手がこわばります”
  • (My right hand is getting stiff)
pronounciation (google translate)
Convulsions Keiren “痙攣” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Migite ga keirenshimasu “右手が痙攣します”
  • (My right hand goes into convulsions)
pronounciation (google translate)

9 expressions of lungs symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
palpitation Douki “動悸” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Doukigasuru “動悸がする”
  • (I have a heart palpitation)
pronounciation (google translate)
breathlessness Ikigire “息切れ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Ikigirewo okoshimasu
  • (I have shortness of breath)
pronounciation (google translate)
Arrhythmia Fuseimyaku “不整脈” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Fusemyaku ga arimasu “不整脈があります”
  • (I have arrhythmia)
pronounciation (google translate)
difficulty in breathing Kokyuukonnann “呼吸困難” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Tokidoki kokyuu konnann ninarimasu “時々呼吸困難になります”
  • (I sometimes experience difficulty breathing)
pronounciation (google translate)
asthma Zensoku “喘息” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Umaretsuki zensoku mochidesu”生まれつき喘息持ちです”
  • (I have asthma by nature)
pronounciation (google translate)
chest pain Munenoitami “胸の痛み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Muneni itamiga arimasu “胸に痛みがあります”
  • (I feel a pain in my chest)
pronounciation (google translate)
heartburn Muneyake “胸やけ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Muneyake ga arimasu “胸焼けがあります”
  • (I suffer from heartburn)
pronounciation (google translate)
symptom of apnea Mukokyu “無呼吸” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Suiminji ni mukokyu ninarimas “睡眠時に無呼吸になります”
  • (I have symptom of apnea during sleeping)
pronounciation (google translate)
lump Shikori “しこり” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Mune ni shikoriga arimasu “胸にしこりがあります”
  • (I have a lump on my breast)
pronounciation (google translate)

12 expressions of stomach symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Stomachache Itsuu “胃痛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Igaitaidesu “胃が痛いです”
  • (I have stomachache)
pronounciation (google translate)
Gastritis Ien “胃炎” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Iendesu “胃炎です”
  • (I have gastritis)
pronounciation (google translate)
heavy stomach Imotare “胃もたれ” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Imotarega kitsuidesu “胃もたれがきついです”
  • (I feel heavy in the stomach)
pronounciation (google translate)
indigestion Imotare “消化不良” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Atsusade shoukafuryoudesu “暑さで消化不良です”
  • (The severe heat has given me indigestion)
pronounciation (google translate)
A sense of abdominal fullness Boumankan “膨満感” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Boumankan ga arimasu “膨満感があります”
  • (I have a sense of abdminal fullness)
pronounciation (google translate)
have no appetite Shokuyokuga nai “食欲がない” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Shokuyoku ga arimasen “食欲がありません”
  • (I have no appetite)
pronounciation (google translate)
Sick Hakike “吐き気” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hakikegaarimasu “吐き気があります”
  • (I am really sick)
pronounciation (google translate)
Vomit Outo “嘔吐” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Tokidoki haiteshimaimasu “時々吐いてしまいます”
  • (I sometimes vomit)
pronounciation (google translate)
food poisoning Shokuchudoku “食中毒” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Shokuchudoku ni kakatteiruyoudesu “食中毒にかかっているようです”
  • (I seem to have gotten food poisoning)
pronounciation (google translate)
Vomit blood Toketsu “吐血” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Toketsushite shimaimasu “吐血してしまいます”
  • (I vomit blood)
pronounciation (google translate)
constipation Benpi “便秘” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Benpi ga hidoidesu “便秘がひどいです”
  • ( I suffer from constipation)
pronounciation (google translate)
diarrhea Geri “下痢” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Futsukamae kara hidoi geri desu “二日前からひどい下痢の症状があります”
  • ( I have suffered from terrible diarrhea since two days ago)
pronounciation (google translate)

2 expressions of hip symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Backache Youtsuu “腰痛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Youtsuu ga tsuraidesu “腰痛が辛いです”
  • (I have bad backache)
pronounciation (google translate)
Neuralgia Shinkeitsuu “神経痛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • 腰が神経痛です “腰が神経痛です”
  • (I have neuralgia in my back)
pronounciation (google translate)

7 expressions of urinary and anus symptoms

Type of symptoms Meaning and how to use How to pronounce
Hemorrhoids Ji “痔” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Jininattayoudesu “痔になったようです”
  • (I came down with hemorrhoids.)
pronounciation (google translate)
itchy anus Koumon no kayumi “肛門の痒み” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Jininattayoudesu “肛門が痒いです”
  • (My anus is really itchy.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Urination pain Hainyou tsuu “排尿痛” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hainyou tsuu ga arimasu “排尿痛があります”
  • (My have terrible pain on urination.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Frequent urination Hin nyou “頻尿” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hinpanni nyougademasu “頻繁に尿が出ます”
  • (I urinate frequentlh.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Incontinence Shikkin “失禁” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Hinpanni shikkin shiteshimaimasu “頻繁に失禁してしまいます”
  • (I have incontinence frequently.)
pronounciation (google translate)
Bloody urine Ketsunyou “血尿” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Ketsunyou ga demasu “血尿が出ます”
  • (Bloody urine comes out.)
pronounciation (google translate)
bloody stool Ketsuben “血便” pronounciation (google translate)
  • Ketsuben ga demasu “血便が出ます”
  • (I have bloddy stools.)
pronounciation (google translate)

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